Monday, April 7, 2014

My favourite LifeBook 2014 project so far....

I'm participating in LifeBook for 2014 after having completed last year's class. I love that each week you have a different teacher and a different project video in the teacher's style so you get exposed to many different ways of art journaling and can try out a style and see how it fits you. Instead of starting all the way back with week 1, I'm sharing one of my favourite pages done in Anna Dabrowska's (Finnabair's) style. I love the richness of her pieces and all the different textures that she combines so well.

Here's my page celebrating our 19th Anniversary this March.

Here are close-ups to see all the different textures I used.  Such a fun piece to do!!


  1. Penny
    This is outstanding in its rich textures and how adorable that you included the Destiny tag.
    Belated Happy Anniversary

  2. So nice to see you back blogging again! Love the page. Happy Anniversary, it only gets better. :-)


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