Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Documented Life Project week 1

Another journal project I'm participating in is the year long Documented Life Project. Before online calendars and iPads with calendar apps, I always chose a planner for the year and used it to keep track of appointments and birthdays and events. I've missed doing that in a physical form and last year tried out Kate Crane's calendars where you write in a little bit in each day's calendar block. By the end of the year, instead of having neat little blocks, I had a jumble of written memories about each day.  Some days there was a simple sentence, but other days there was a lot more I wanted to write. I was excited to see this idea using a Moleskine weekly planner and altering it by adding a flap to each week and having a challenge prompt for each week. You have a place to write day to day stuff and events, another blank lined page for space if you want to journal more, and the extra added page for the pretty stuff that makes your journal even more "you". There's even an online class about altering your planner (more details HERE).

Here's my week 1 page : show your front door:

I used a gel medium transfer of a photo taken that week of our door decorated with a Christmas wreath. Funny, but we never use the front door! Is that true at your house, too?

Check out the weekly challenge prompts on the Art to the 5th blog.

1 comment:

  1. Loved going through your blog. I just found out about the documented life project, so i'm going to do that next year. Already started with the preparations.
    I'm also a big fan of Donna downey! Took a class early this year here in Holland. Well... Good to see you going.
    Btw... Found your blog by googling about stam carving. Just got the speedball stuff in the mail today. Love the word stamps you made. Well... Good luck with your projects! :-)


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