Sunday, April 6, 2014

48 weeks: week 1

I was always a fan of Donna Downey's Inspiration Wednesday videos and when she decided to stop doing them and created a year long art journaling class called 48 Weeks, I decided to splurge and take the class. Through her blog videos I have learned so many cool techniques and learned about so many different products and how to use them and I am definitely enjoying the class because it feeds my need to learn and try new things. I have completed the first set of 12 pages and will share them over the next couple of weeks. The journal is an A3 Moleskine which is HUGE! I have not worked this big before, but as the pages are filling up in the journal I am loving what all the space allows you to do.

This is the first spread:

A close-up of the left side with a gel medium transfer of a vintage image I've always loved:

...and this is the right side. Love all the texture!!!!


  1. gorgeous way to share on your blog again Penny! I love that image too:) The side with the window is breathtaking-I love it!

  2. Glad u enjoying the classes they look like fun,!! Beautiful pages hugs Juls


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