Saturday, April 12, 2014

LifeBook 2014 week 6

Back to another one of my favourite LifeBook 2014 pages.  This week's lesson was by Tam Laporte, the originator of LifeBook who does a lesson every month. The initial warm up lesson was using spray inks giving fabulous drips.  Anytime I see drips I'm inspired by Dina Wakley who uses them as journaling lines.

For the lesson, the end result is a folded page. This is how it looks closed - I had great fun playing around with different lettering styles over the multicoloured spray ink blob.

Then when you open it up, here's how it looks:

More work with faces - I find profiles to be hardest!

And just look at the effect of the layered blobs and drips - isn't it gorgeous?


I hope you've enjoyed your visit and thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!