Friday, April 11, 2014

48 weeks: week 4

With week 4 of Donna Downey's 48Weeks, I got to try out my figure drawing skills :-) I've been working on them quite a bit after being introduced to faces in classes with Dina Wakley and Pam Carriker. For this one I wanted her to be lost in a daydream. This page had such cool textures - both raised flowers and impressed flowers and diamonds.  I wish you could touch the page through the picture because it has such a cool feel.

Here's a close-up:


  1. oh my goodness, wow!!!!! this is just amazing!!!! Hugs Juls

  2. It is true, I so wish I could run my fingers across this page as it appears to be so rich in texture and I love the dreamy quality to the page.


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