Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Classes with Dyan Reaveley

This past weekend I had an immensely FUN time taking classes with Dyan Reaveley, truly as colorful as her ink sprays!  These are all the projects I came home with from the four classes and you should've seen my colorful fingers!!!  Truly the mark of a good day.  I learned so many fun techniques, made two little books and started altering a third, and learned some cool inky techniques on tags.  I also learnt some "proper" English - like the kitchen roll - "it's a roll and it lives in the kitchen" - and all its many artistic usages, how to properly waft your heat tool, not cook your project, and to never waste time faffing...oh, and never get a ruler out in one of her classes... trust me I saw someone try, just don't do it ;-).  If you have an opportunity to take one of her classes, don't even hesitate because you will have so much fun, will laugh a lot, and come home with loads of ideas.

That's me - the short one in the middle - and on the right is Kate, Absolutely Everything's owner.  Notice that cool apron?  It worked so well!

I had Dyan sign this page in the altered book we worked on.  It was just a plain painted background when she signed it and then I added ink sprays through her stencils and doodling to embellish the pages.

Here's another of the projects which was my favorite from the classes.  In this one she taught basics of building an art journal page using paint and ink, rubber stamps and pens, book pages, and a magazine image.  Mine is from Family Circle of a girl in an asthma medication ad - I just loved how the top of her head was cut off because it then could look like she had so many ideas spilling out of her head  - truly what happened in these classes, and she's as happy about it as I was :-)


  1. What a fun class that must have been. I love that your not afraid of color. Something I need to spread my wings a bit on!
    hugs Lynn

  2. Hi, love your blog. I mostly make cards but I am dipping my toe in the inky jounal/scrapbook world. So I will be back here often for inspiration,

    Liz x
    PS your article in the mag is fab!

  3. You're the third or fourth person I've known that was there! How lucky! And all your projects are fabulous!

  4. That must have been a fun to make all this beautiful things. marvelous pages.
    Lovelt greet

  5. Penny, so great to meet you last weekend at the Dyan Reavley classes. I love the blog page you've made out of it -- captured Dyan's humor and flare and the fun of the weekend!

    And you convinced me. Just signed up for Julie's classes in August! Now I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your blog and looking for those book techniques you told me about.

    Tracy from Cambridge

  6. Great looking journal, Penny! Looks like you had so much fun. Cute photo too:) Can't wait to see what you do next...

  7. I had a great vacation but am SOOOO jealous you got to take these classes. Looks like a blast. And I see that you got brave and had your photo taken too! Loved reading about the class and seeing your photo. Can't wait to meet at Julie's class in another month.

  8. Penny
    Your enthusiasm for the class you attended is infectious. It is so obviously from your text and your creations that you had a ball!
    Your apron looks so fabulous on you, I am sure you are glad you created one for this special workshop.


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