Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm looking for a few good friends....

....well, actually 4 friends (or multiples of 4) for an ATC swap idea of mine! You may remember this ATC concertina book I posted last fall. The picture above is how it looks unfolded,and the pictures below show it folded up on the left while the right picture shows it with just the cover open.

So my idea comes from thinking about all my creative friends throughout the world and how inspired I am by your artwork and how fun it would be to have a tangible piece of that artwork - a true celebration of the creative friendships we've formed in blogland. I thought it would be fun to collect ATC's from friends, add them to ones I've made, and assemble a set of them into concertina books similar to the pictures above and then send one book back to each of you. So are you interested? (Oh, I so hope that you are!!!!) What you would do is to make 5 ATC's (2 1/2" wide by 3 1/2" tall - portrait orientation) that represent "you" - your style, your favorite technique, your favorite image, or a word that means a lot to you right now - and to make it easy, feel free to make 5 that are the same - and then mail them to me. For instance, I'm sure mine would have some crayon glassine, maybe a vintage image, and probably some wonky sewing :-) After I've collected them all, I will mail back to you a set of the group's 5 ATC's in a concertina book! If you'd like to participate, leave a comment with a way to contact you by email (unless of course I already know it or if you have an email link on your about me area of your blog) and I'll give you my mailing address. Leave any questions as well, and I'll answer those, of course. Once we have our group of people, I'll set a date for you to send the ATC's to me. Hope you'll join me!

******Sign-ups now closed - thank you SO MUCH for joining in. Stay tuned next month for pictures of the completed books******


  1. Oh I'd love to join you in this. What fun. My contact is beverlyatlotsofpossibilitiesdotcom
    Thank you

  2. I'd be interested in joining your swap - I'm in the UK.

    Do all five ATCs have to be identical or can they be different?

    Do we put our usual details on the back of each ATC too?

    You can contact me via my blog, there is an email button in the sidebar.

    Thanks :)

  3. wow, penny, count me in, I’m not sure if I understand all, so I make them, Post them to America (you said mail, or do you mean I make a picture of them and send it with the mailbox?) and you make this little books off them?? Don't forget if I send them with post, it takes a few weeks to arrive at your place. But I love too participate. Have a great week, best wishes, Janine

  4. In answer to these quick questions - you can certainly make 5 different ATC's, you won't need to write you info on the back because the backs won't be seen once attached to the book, and we will absolutely leave enough time for travel time with the post!

  5. I'd love to take part too Penny. It sounds a wonderful idea and very exciting. I think I could get them to you reasonably quickly from Scotland. It took about a week when I did an ATC swap through Catherine Scanlon's class. However, I am not sure how I would handle the return postage - that might be a problem. With Catherine's class we sent an ATC to everyone on the list. Let me know if you have any ideas and if it is possible, I would really love to be a part of it.

    my email address is: jt.atkinson@lineone.net


  6. Don't have any concerns about return postage - that's on me. I'm happy to send the books out to you - I'm excited to have you all join in!!! Penny

  7. I would love to join in Penny.
    The idea of other people's pieces of art in a small book thrills me.
    I did a tag swap on a private forum & I often gaze at the artwork my team mates made me :0)

  8. Penny, what a wonderful idea! I'd be delighted to play along, let me know if you still have room!


  9. Penny, thank you for the invite - I'd LOVE to play along and can't wait! This is going to be FUN!!!!

  10. Penny
    It would be an honour to be part of this swap.
    I have to hold my hands up and say it is possibly 2 years since I last made an ATC - made so many when I started stamping then the shine wore off.
    PLease count me in.
    Adore your book.


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