Sunday, September 25, 2011

Follow the path

This is another canvas collage that has a background using paint stamping with leaves. My photo is a TAP transfer onto muslin of a part of one of the trails located in Acadia National Park at the coast. However, my memory when I see this photo is a little different. This trail is close to the Jordan Pond House Restaurant where after hiking, we had a lunch of lobster stew and warm popovers with jam - mmmmmmmm. Every hike should end that way :-)


  1. A beautiful, personal piece of memory art. I wonder where in your home you will display this.
    I especially love the use of "follow".
    P.S. Sunday evening means only one thing ..... Downton Abbey. Oh I cannot wait to watch it this evening!!

  2. beautifull lay out, i also used often transfer on fabric, its fun to do. I love your collage Penny!! have a great week.


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