Sunday, November 2, 2014

Compendium of Curosities Vol. 3 Challenge Week No. 14

This is my project for the CC3 Challenge this time sponsored by the Funkie Junkie Boutique.  The technique for this week is "Colored Crackle" on page 53 of Tim's book.  A couple days ago we spent HOURS raking and raking leaves which is a common chore this time of year around here, so they were on my mind and I just had to choose a leaf motif to try out the technique! As an ironic aside, I'm sitting here writing this post 2 days later in the middle of a snowstorm - gotta love Maine weather!  Maybe it was a good thing we did all that raking.  Anyways.....the technique is done on the leaves and the close-up shows it a bit better even though my crackles are subtle.  I placed my falling leaves onto a lightly stamped background and outlined them with a Stabilo pencil that I then activated with water for a lovely shadow effect. There's also a touch of gold pen on the leaves and you might notice it in other places - it's fun to try out a new pen ; - )


  1. Love the colors of your leaves and the crackle is just right! This is lovely. Thanks for sharing with us at CC3C!

  2. Great little layout. Love the multi colors of your leaf. Enjoy your new gold pen!...

  3. I'm sure Maine is gorgeous this time of year! LOVE your leaves, and the crackle is subtle with the great color! Thank you so much for playing along with us on the Colored Crackle challenge at CC3Challenge!!!!

  4. What a beautiful card. The fall colors are lovely and what appears to be hand drawn detail is so interesting and well done. Your crackle technique is awesome!!

  5. This Florida girl is a bit jealous of the raking of leaves thing, however not necessarily the early snow fall. Your project turned out so great. Love the crackle effect on your colorful leaves. Stay warm!

  6. Your leaves are awesome - thanks so much for sharing this with us at CC3C!

  7. this is really, really beautiful! What a great idea!


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