Saturday, October 25, 2014

Class with Julie Fei-Fan Balzer

A couple of weekends ago I was able to take classes with Julie Fei-Fan Balzer at eclectic Paperie in Exeter, NH.  She brought her mom along to keep us all in line!  I first met Julie 2 yrs ago in a couple of live classes, so I knew what to expect, and was not disappointed with all I learned.  The first class was about elements and principles of design to improve your ability to see the components of a good design and also to understand why it works.  I love having that understanding and then to look at my work critically and see what I can do to make it better and more complete.

These are my collages from that day:

The second class the next day was a fun folded book structure that we made after spending the day creating layered background pages and custom tape  with spray ink and paint, stencils, stamps and any other mark making tools you could dip into paint.

This is the front cover:
...and inside pages from one side:

...and the opposite side has a bottom fold that creates pockets:

I also took a project with me that is the end product of Julie's current online class making her Junque Journal.  This is the cover:

...and here are a couple pictures of the inside pages.  This book is perfect for an art journal that already has color in it so you don't have to deal with the fear of a blank white page.

I'm already having fun working in the journal :-)

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