Sunday, September 7, 2014

Compendium of Curosities Vol. 3 Challenge Week No. 10

This is my assemblage clock creation for CC3C where we were to follow the example on page 33 of Tim's book. Challenge #10 is sponsored by the Funkie Junkie Boutique. As I was photographing my project, I quickly realized that not only is it really hard to photograph something 3D with a glass front (Ack!), but in order for me to show you the depth in my project, I needed to show it in parts.  So the initial photo is of the entire piece featuring a photo from my friend Trishia of French Kissed Postcards that I've loved for a long time and wanted to use. I've felt like the two girls are looking straight at you, ready to take on their future, while Mom looks off to the side into the distance as if she realizes this moment won't last.  I'm sure mothers want to hold on to their children as long as possible.  Anyways, back to my photos......

The second one shows the front of the clock with the back removed:

...and here is the back piece pulled out. What I did was to layer a transparency of the photo of all three over a subtle script background, and then using a second printed image, I cut out Mom and elevated her away from the background using corrugated cardboard and foam tape.

In this final photo I show the back piece slightly turned so you can see the depth I've tried to create.

Thanks for visiting my blog and reading through my attempt to fully show my project ;-)  Trust me, in real life it looks pretty cool - maybe you just need to come over and see it in person!


  1. I'll be there soon - will you have snacks? :) Seriously, this is beautiful, and I understand the frustration of photographing these things! They never look as good in photos as they do in person. I had to take over 20 photos of mine before I got one where the glass wasn't glaring or reflecting something ugly. (Wait, who was behind that camera? LOL!)

    Nice work; I like the simplicity of it and the monotone color scheme. Lovely!

  2. I love the theme...time is fleeting with our children, isn't it? Thanks for to go get a tissue!

  3. Your clock is absolutely stunning! The vintage photograph you've used on this and the way you've dimensionalized the ladies is truly amazing! You are so's SO HARD to photograph the finished piece with the glass front. I'm glad that you took the time to actually show how dimensional the ladies are and explain how you did that. Really clever and it so paid off in your finished piece! I truly love it's vintage-ness with the shabby chic influence. Right up my alley! Thanks for sharing your always beautiful art with us at CC3C. <3 Candy

  4. Wonderful collaged photo inside! I love the roses too. A beautiful piece! Thank you so much for joining us in the Assemblage Clock challenge at CC3Challenge!!!

  5. I love the story behind your clock alteration... so pretty and delicate... Thanks for playing along with the CC3 Challenge and hope to see you again soon x

  6. Absolutely beautiful clock. It is just stunning! Thank you for sharing your clock with us at CC3Challenge!

  7. This clock is really beautifully done. I love the white finish on outside and the subtle brown flowers scattered. The images have been been brilliantly placed in a way that really catches your eye. I really like this one. Karen.x


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