Friday, July 18, 2014

The Documented Life Project week 19

This planner page for the Documented Life Project celebrates a random act of kindness. I had been playing around with a fringed watercolor brush in another art journal and thought it made fantastic petals. So I created a flower shape and while the paint was still wet I dropped in a second color - the red at the base. It actually looks quite ugly when you first do it, and you are sure you've ruined it, but when it dries it looks so cool! I made a bunch of cards this week using this idea of adding flowers over a gesso stamped background with watercolor washes, and found myself thinking of a couple friends that I had not thought of in quite awhile so I put cards in the mail to them for no reason at all, other than to say that I was thinking about them.


  1. This is fabulous. I love your lettering.

  2. Penny
    This brings to mind the beautiful card you gifted to me for my birthday.
    Sorry I am unable to visit each and every post but I am struggling at the moment resulting in enforced time away from on-line activities.
    Hope all is well with you. I am sure Nora is enjoying the summer days.

  3. Hi Penny Oh I love this page so colourful and uplifing.


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