Monday, July 28, 2014

Compendium of Curositites Vol.3 Challenge Week No. 7

For the 7th challenge at CC3C (this time sponsored by Inspiration Emporium), the technique is "Painted Industrial" from page 46 of Tim's book.  This is my project with the vase (which is actually a tin can rescued from the recycling bin) illustrating the technique.

Here it is up close:

The flowers were so much fun to make using foil tape on cardstock that I diecut with the tattered florals and tattered leaves dies and a rolled rose My Favorite Things die.  I used alcohol inks on them, mixing a bright color with snow cap white for added opacity, and then embossed them with folders giving them texture. Finally a little bit of sanding brought out highlights and made the texture even more evident.  The stems are chopsticks and bamboo sticks, and I added bits of curled wire just for fun.  I just hope my cats don't think it's a fun toy to chew on! My chosen colors of red, orange, yellow and purple are all the colors of the flowers currently blooming in our yard.  Always fun to be inspired by what you see outside your window, don't you think?


  1. Your bouquet is awesome!! I love the different colors and texture fades. Inspiring!!!

  2. FABULOUS!!! Each flower is just super! What a piece to decorate with! I LOVE it! Thanks so much for joining on this metalicious challenge at CC3Challenge!!!

  3. wow a bright and beautiful bouquet.. love your take on the technique... Thanks for playing along with the CC3 Challenge x

  4. This is such a great idea and way to interpret our painted industrial challenge. Your vase and then the adorable funky flowers coming out of it are really fun and clever! What a great way to brighten up any room. LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing your art with us at CC3C. <3 Candy

  5. :) I love your vase and flowers, very cool.


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