Thursday, June 19, 2014

Compendium of Curosities Vol. 3 Challenge Week No. 4

I had such a fun time creating my tag for CC3C's 4th Challenge and I think I was inspired by our hot weather which has been way too hot for my liking - I hate it when it gets over 80!  Actually, I'm probably in trouble because summer hasn't technically started so I'm sure I'm in for many much hotter days. Enough about that - on to my project! The challenge is sponsored by the Funkie Junkie Boutique and uses texture paste with layering stencils as described on page 49 of Tim's book.  I love to play with my stencils probably because they are so versatile - use them with ink sprays or ink pads, paint, gesso, gel medium or any other fun textured mediums like glass bead gel, fiber paste or molding paste - endless variations!  I did the technique using the stripes stencil and the bubbles stencil over an old Claudine Hellmuth background technique using book paper and randomly sticking down masking tape then pulling it off to distress the paper. This has the added benefit that the paper will take up your ink differently creating extra depth with little effort.  The vintage image from my stash was just what it needed. What do you think?


  1. Oh my gosh! This is such a cute tag! I totally love it! That vintage bathing beauty is so gorgeous against the blue embossed bubbles you've done over the text background of your tag. I love all of your layers! And the flourishes are also very cool...they remind me of seaweed or something. :) A very cute tag! Thanks for sharing your art with all of us at CC3C. <3 Candy

  2. hi Penny I think your tag is fab. Love the vintage lady. X:)

  3. Love your bathing beauty tag. So your stenciling as well. Thank you for playing along with CC3C!!!

  4. This is a fabulous tag, Penny! I love all the layers as well as the subject! Well done!

  5. GREAT tag, Penny. Of course those flourishes should be waves in the water, how did I not think of that?? Well done!!

  6. Love the colors you used and especially the theme... so fun... use to go to Maine in the summers as a child... swimming in august... MAYBE if it was warm enough.. .LOL... love this piece Love, Light and Peace ....Bonnie

  7. LOVE the theme and the image! The texture is awesome too! Great project! Thanks so much for joining us on this texture challenge at CC3Challenge!!!


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