Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Documented Life Project week 9

I did a post about these flowers yesterday.  Well, when I painted them, I had a piece of palette paper with little bits of color scattered all over it - several yellows and greens and some quinacridone red, red-orange, blue violet and a bit of gold - and I finger-painted my flowers. When I finished with the palette paper, there was still paint remaining on it and I smooshed it onto this page in a watercolor journal and created this effect thinking it will be a cool background to play with some time.

Afterwords, I still had the original piece of palette paper and it just so happened that the Documented Life Project prompt for the week was to collage something you recycled.  I added that piece into my planner and then had so much fun finding flower shapes and outlining them with a stabilo pencil. Then I used gesso to block out the background and help the flowers stand out. I LOVED the results!

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