Monday, April 14, 2014

48 weeks: week 5

This spread is from week 5 of the 48 weeks class.  I liked playing with the deeper shades of blue like anthraquinone blue and payne's grey - which isn't a grey at all I've learned, but a wonderful deep blue like nighttime.  What I liked even more on this page was the texture layer of fiber paste over collaged book pages - creates a great depth in the background as you can see in the close-up.


  1. I have just been catching up with all your fabulous posts Penny - wonderful work on this amazing project. I love all the textures and the wonderful colours you have created. Just stunning.

    I am so excited to have booked a place on a workshop with Anna Dabrowska at the end of May. I have to travel to England to do so but I am so looking forward to learning lots of new techniques.

    So lovely to see you back blogging again - I have missed you x

  2. what a beautiful-and magical page Penny!


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