Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Whatevers #6 - partners in crime

I had a lot of fun playing with the November Whatevers photo! (Check the blog posts of Catherine HERE, Nathalie HERE, and Vicki HERE to see their stories and download a copy of the photo to play along.)

My multi-layered background has a bottom vintage book paper and washi tape grid layer, followed by gesso and then pink and peach Neocolor crayons, stamps from Tangie Baxter and Dina Wakley, doodling with a Stabilo marks all pencil aka Dina's "magic" pencil, as well as black and white pens, poodle pink and tattered rose Glimmer Mist splatters, and some finger painted white acrylic paint  that I've seen Roben-Marie Smith add so masterfully to her gorgeous backgrounds.  So much fun to be inspired by all those wonderful artists!!

I loved this background while creating and took a few close-ups before I built the page over it:

This side is the story:

For easier reading, here's the text of the story:

Christina, Dorothy and Maude have been partners in crime since their school days. As their ring leader, Dorothy’s schemes have brought them many adventures, and her charms have kept them from getting into trouble.  They once “borrowed” Old Mrs. Maybridge’s carriage and galloped the horse down Main St. because Dorothy wanted to know how it felt to drive.  Mrs. Maybridge was never the wiser, as the carriage was returned to its proper spot outside the general store before she had finished her shopping trip.  Dorothy’s sense of adventure has brought the trio to the beach today to watch the aeroplane demonstrations with the added goal of meeting a pilot.  Her next great scheme is to be a wing-walker, and Christina and Maude have no doubts she’ll do it...they just hope they get to keep their feet stuck firmly on the ground.

I think I first learned about wing walkers watching a Robert Redford movie "The Great Waldo Pepper". You had to have quite a bit of guts to walk the wing of a biplane or any plane for that matter!  According to Wikipedia, the first wing walker was Ormer Locklear in 1918 and even Charles Lindberg's career began with wing walking. Quite a few women were brave enough to perform the stunt at barnstorming shows throughout the 1920's. I'd definitely side with Dorothy's friends in my story and keep my feet planted firmly on the ground. :-)

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