Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Whatevers #5: a day in the life of Gunther and Gustav

Another Whatevers picture! (You can get a picture copy to play with and read some more fun stories on the blogs of Catherine Scanlon HERE, Nathalie Kalbach HERE, or Vicki Chrisman HERE.)  I wanted to have a grungy, urban looking page to go along with these two posing in front of their trolley. Because of the German writing on the side of it, I added vintage German book paper, but my tickets are from England and Wales, and my road map is actually of Charlottetown, PEI in Canada - a very mixed up international page I guess!

Here's my story:

Tickets, please! Gunther and Gustav were very proud of their positions as trolley conductors as they were responsible for keeping the population moving through the bustling city. They were also privy to many conversations that they unfortunately couldn’t avoid hearing... dinner plans, complaints about employers and landlords, financial worries, and reprimands to misbehaving children. So many different people passed through their trolley in the course of a day. Just today there was a lawyer going to his downtown office, an author carrying his manuscript tucked firmly under his arm to deliver to his publisher, and even a woman who Gunther was sure was a stage actress. The only part of their job they didn’t particularly enjoy was posing for pictures in front of their trolley for the tourists.


  1. oh this is such a treasure- I love your story and the journal page is AWESOME!!!

  2. I like your history and the all textures and colors in your pages.


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