Thursday, October 11, 2012

Textures on an art journal page

Start with drywall tape and modeling paste through a script stencil...

...add some glimmer mist drips.....

...and finish it off with tags and tape and a fantastic Picasso quote.  It's so true, don't you agree?  I've found that pieces go off in a totally different direction when I'm already playing and start to try out ideas.


  1. Love how this turned out Penny beautiful colors and composition! I just bought a script stencil yesterday :):)

  2. oh love this! You have just enabled me....thks! :)

  3. This is toally fabulous, love the affect you achieved, and colours too...

  4. Love it! Specially the part of the dry wll tape and modeling paste through stencil. Its great. I have to try something like it!

  5. I love it!! The white on white is cool then the blue and the tags are just great!!

  6. This is incredible, Penny! Love the verse and the colors are fabulous.

  7. Just discovered this - I love this idea and must try it. Lovely blog - so many great ideas. Hope you will be back in 2013.


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