Saturday, September 1, 2012

A little sneak peek...

I'm excited to have another article published in September's Scrap365!!!!  Here's a little peek for you:

...and yes, that's me :-)

Here in the US you can find Scrap365 in Barnes and Noble, they're just often a month or two behind.


  1. Congratulations Penny, although not in the least bit surprised that they have you contributing once more.
    Oh you cutie!

  2. Congrats on the newest publication. It is always so exciting to see one's work in print!

  3. congrats to you Penny! I don't scrapbook at all, however I certainly will look for these issues at B & N. Way to go!!

  4. I so loved this project Penny. I have been putting photographs aside to make a present for my brother and sister in law. Finding the right photographs is difficult!

    Great work and what a gorgeous photo of you! Are they your cats as well?

  5. Congrats, Penny! You still are a cute 'kiddo'... wink wink!

  6. High Five, my friend! WTG!!! I can't wait to read this.

  7. Congrats Penny! It was so nice to meet you at AE during Tim's class day. I lost your email in the hectic nature of the day! :)


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