Monday, July 9, 2012

Second Floor Challenge

Second Floor

Thought I'd play around with Julie and Nathalie's second floor challenge again where the theme is pencils.  Do you remember making pencil and crayon rubbings as a kid?  I wanted to see what kind of items I could find around my house to use as textures for pencil rubbings.  This is what I found:

I chose a few favorites and created a somewhat random background for an art journal page in my recycled kraft paper journal.

I wanted to add something to it, but still wanted to stick with using just pencils on my page, so I got out my colored pencils and made rubbings on the bamboo mat and my opened window's screen in the colors of the flowers currently blooming outside the window - oranges and reds and purples.  I also needed greens and used one of the picture frame textures for that.

I had an idea to paper piece flowers from it to create this journal page.

Here's a close-up to see the textures better:

It's fun limiting yourself to certain supplies and then creating something.  I did miss my black pen!  I think things would've looked much better outlined in sketchy black pen lines - what do you think?


  1. Super technique, love all of it, how you made the background and the flowers, I have to try this some day too

  2. It is incredible the way you made pencil rubbings not only interesting but so beautiful.
    Fabulous work Penny.

  3. The technique is marvelous. Beautidul background and love the flowers.
    Lovely greet

  4. THIS IS SO COOL! Shout . I love this! what an awesome awesome idea to use your pencil - the results are amazing! Thanks Penny for taking the 2nd Floor :)


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