Tuesday, June 5, 2012

She Art Girls - another fancy dress

Here is my final She Art girl to share. Another fun experiment with a dress that started with a piece of table lace cut into a dress shape. I embellished it with cut pieces from a lace collar and other trims at the bottom. I really like the end result.

The belle of the ball in her dress dripping with lace, Rose enjoyed the attention she received in the same way she enjoyed everything in her life; just taking it all in stride. Her dance card remained full wherever she went as any partner was vastly improved by having her on his arm.

Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to comment on my girls - I really have appreciated them! A different style of art for me, but it's good to stretch those boundaries of comfort a bit, don't you think?


  1. Just love your 'she art' girls. This one is really great!

  2. WOOOOW Penny this is really GORGEOUS. beautiful art work you have made. LOVE IT.
    Beautiful other work, marvelous.
    Lovely greet

  3. I love all your work & these she art girls are just another string to your talented bow.

  4. I love this piece Penny! Simply gorgeous!

  5. GLORIOUS!!!!
    She is the belle of the ball in this sumptuous dress with that lace that is making me positively swoon.


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