Saturday, June 30, 2012

A bit of inspirational art...

Recently I shared a canvas board collage that I made that is in the current issue of Somerset Studio Gallery (this post HERE) and thought I'd share another one I made for the words of wisdom theme in a past issue of Somerset Studio.  I keep so many meaningful quotes scribbled on scrap pieces of paper, and I used to keep a copy of this quote at work.  It definitely deserved to be made into a work of inspirational art.  Whenever I would get overloaded and overwhelmed, I was reminded that I could and would get through it and that I wasn't dealing with it alone.  Humbling words to give you strength!


  1. Hi Penney-

    I love this aquamarine blue you have been using a lot. It is one of my favorite colors. And the Mother Teresa saying is fantastic too. Nice canvas board.
    Have a great day!

  2. Beautiful your spiritual art Penny. Love the combination, colors and sentiment/
    Lovely greet

  3. Love it! And you don't know how much I needed to hear that right now.

  4. Great text penny, love it, hat to smile too ;)) love the total scenery!!!!!!


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