Monday, May 21, 2012

My weekend with the incomparable Mr. Holtz

This weekend I had the chance to take classes with Tim Holtz and these are the projects from all four classes - what an incredibly fun time!!!

This is the second time I've taken his classes held at Absolutely Everything in Topsfield, MA and there were more than 100 people in each class.  In order to teach them, he has a huge screen and power point presentation showing the steps of his projects and then while giving you time to work on them, he will walk around and chat and answer questions.

Here are pictures of my individual projects:

This is a Steampunk inspired heart in a box on pulley wheels that actually move!  This project was dubbed the baked potato project, because the papier-mâché heart goes through a stage looking like a foil wrapped potato destined for the oven.

This one is a whole bunch of grungeboard techniques all combined on a 12x12 piece that hangs.  While embellishing this one, I had the one and only Mr. Holtz standing behind me commenting on how much he liked all the words I added.  They were not a part of his original design, but he gave us the option at the end, and here I was chatting with him about how design elements can make a piece - how cool is that!!

These two pictures are a project that was a ruler bound embellished tag book.  I liked creating tissue tape hinges on cut pieces of tags to create flip pages.  And how about the die-cut numbers?  A fun look that allowed a peek of the crumpled glassine behind it.

The last project was all about ways to create and alter charms.  We were able to play with his drill punch which will let you punch a hole in anything - case in point, I tried a penny which worked nicely and then just had to add it in ;-)

While I was too shy to ask for my picture to be taken with him - not to mention that I really don't like pictures of myself - I did ask him to autograph my Creative Chemistry apron, and then I won a messenger bag!

So I just had to have him sign it as well and had Mario sign it, too!  If you ever have the opportunity to take a class with him, don't hesitate to do it - a guaranteed fun time!!


  1. Oh Penny I am so envious, and to think you have had the opportunity to take two classes with TH.
    New Zealand is a wonderful country, but it is at the bottom of the World, so we do not have the likes of TH coming here, most Americans think it is a state in Australia!!!!
    Anyway, your projects are incredible and large, you sound as if you had a blast.

  2. Oh you lucky girl! Awesome projects. I just love love the 12 x 12 display. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I'm jussssttttttt a bit jalouse;))) just a bit' how excited Penny, an what great art you made, and so great to win that price!! Just a bitttttttt jalouse 😉

  4. I was there with you on Saturday and I agree it was fantastic. Lucky you to win something, you had that good ju-ju I guess. I'm still on a happy roll since then and my creativity has taken a big boost-got to start taking a lot more classes.

  5. ps-By the way- love how your projects came out. Were you the person who first twisted their heart tot he side Saturday morning?

  6. Wow your projects are have made sme true wonders!!! One day it is my dream to take a Tim course!!! Hugs trace x

  7. Loving your amazing creations. Sounds as if you had the time of your life Penny. x

  8. Your projects are all awesome! Beautifully done!


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