Thursday, May 31, 2012

Double Published!

These two magazines appeared in my mailbox on the same day and both contained my artwork!!!! Take Ten is on the left, and I have two cards using Rogue Redhead Designs stamps and on the right is the Summer issue of Somerset Studio Gallery that has an 8x10 canvas board collage submitted for a words of wisdom challenge.

I also have to mention several friends that are also in these issues.  In Take Ten the head Rogue herself, Sharon Briss has multiple cards with RRD stamps and even a terrific double page spread showing cards with a cool bleaching technique.  Also represented is Deb Corder,  a fellow Rogue and Ginger, and the beautiful work of Lynne Moncrieff.  In Gallery you'll find fun Halloween pieces by Lynn Stevens, and more from Lynne Moncrieff.  It's always an honor to have your work published, but made even sweeter by sharing the honor with friends.


  1. wow how great that isss, I have again go to the bookstore ☺

  2. Congratulations Penny,you have done really well

  3. Congrats-2 at one time is certainly a giant exciting thing!

  4. Congrats!! Beautiful work. thanks for the shout out! :)

  5. Congrats! Totally loved your little Beach Babes in Take Ten! Delightful!

  6. Penny
    I was so thrilled to know I was published in Take Ten alongside your delicate cards.

  7. A Big CONGRATS Penny on both publications! I saw yours in Sommerset gallery. Amazing as always!
    hugs Lynn


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