Sunday, December 25, 2011

To all of you....

This was my view today - a snowy, rocky seacoast. Maybe my husband and I were crazy as we were the only ones there walking around in the falling snow.....but it's what we do every Christmas! Hope yours was exceedingly merry!!


  1. Sounds like an absolutely wonderful tradition ... love those gorgeous shots.

  2. a chirstmas to. You and your family. The photos looking so nice, you are living in a very nice place, have fun with what you are doing. Best wishes from janine

  3. Hi Penny
    Sorry this is the first of me visiting.
    Your photographs are breathtaking - in fact they would make such special Christmas cards.
    Warmest Wishes

  4. I visited Maine last year, and fell in love! I have been to many places in the US but none have affected me the way Maine did! I have begged to move there, but my big Texan won't go for it! A summer home would be great though!!! What a lucky girl you are!


I hope you've enjoyed your visit and thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!