Saturday, November 5, 2011

Vintage Gluebook swap

Mary Green had a terrific idea for a swap involving creating gluebook pages. I created these collages using miscellaneous scraps and vintage backgrounds and sent them off to Mary.

Here is what I received back:

She created a book out of the individual pages and used vintage book covers from her collection. Isn't that cool?

These are the individual pages that I received in the swap:

Thanks to Mary Dawson, Kim Smith, Julie Loeschke, Joy Meadows, Kat Hou, and Linda Freeman - such fantastic collages!!!


  1. Hello! I love this idea! Love your whole blog! I'm now following! :)

  2. Thanks for the response on my gluebook page! I'm so happy you linked your blog, it's gorgeous! I've added you to my bookmarks. ~~Kat

  3. what a great swapp Penny. I'm looking forward to see what the other atc makers made, I hope you've got all know? Have a great sunday.

  4. Your pages and the ones you received are wonderful. Now I very much regret not taking part. Next time!

  5. Hi Penny
    Wow! Such treats to arrive in the mail. To have all those pieces of art to savour.
    I cannot remember if I mentioned that the ATCs were posted your way. Apologise if I didn't mention and will catch-up soon by e-mail.

  6. Thanks for posting about the swap and your sweet comments on my page. The pages you made are lovely. I can't wait for Mary's Christmas Gluebook class...hope to see you there!

  7. What a brilliant idea, the pages are fantastic, something to treasure!

    Warm hugs

  8. Love the ATCs-gluepages, so delicate and vintage!

    Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog!

  9. This is so much fun, and what wonderful results!!


  10. Awesome swap and by some of my all time favorite artists!. Loved that she used old covers.
    hugs Lynn

  11. What a great swap! You just can't beat cutting and sticking in my opinion :)

  12. Thats a clever idea and the art work on the pages is fantastic, great swap
    hugs June


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