Friday, September 2, 2011

Miss Pauline has bought her ticket to..........

The photo of Pauline Frederick I used in creating my fabric heart for the giveaway is one from an Enchanted Mercantile connection that I enjoy using. She has such a beautiful and regal look, and even though I could imagine a life for her as I would use her image in a project, I didn't know much about her. According to Wikipedia she was an American actress, first on the stage and then in films. She "specialized in playing commanding and authoritative women" - sounds like Pauline could be a little bit fiesty - gotta love that! I found this photo of her at the Library of Congress site.

So on to the giveaway! Sorry for announcing my winner a little late today - the path of hurricane Irene made it all the way to New England and fortunately where we are in Maine, we had just rain followed by wind, but we did lose our power for a day, then got it back for a day only to lose it for another day, and then after almost two days with it, it went out again today!!! Hence my access to the internet this week has been sporadic to say the least! Now that I'm connected again I'm happy to say that there is a winner.....

......and Miss Pauline will be traveling to Florida to work on her tan! Congratulations Connie! I'll be sending you an email. Thank you to everyone who left a comment - you all are so sweet with all your encouraging words and compliments - it's great to have creative friends! - and I truly appreciate that you take the time to comment on my projects.


  1. Yay! I will love having Pauline but she might have to wait for her tan, we are being hit by tropical storm Lee, lol! Thank you Miss Penny for the giveaway :)

  2. I'm glad to know that you and your family are ok after Irene.
    The pic is fantastic, I love her eyes, hat, etc :-) Hugs!

  3. Congratulations Connie on winning such a lovely piece of art.
    Glad you made it through Irene ok Penny.

    Elaine Allen


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