Saturday, August 20, 2011

Crayon Background Book Cover Collage

Remember this background paper? This is what is achieved after ironing the crayon coated glassine to the mixed media paper. (The crayon melting technique can be seen on my post HERE.)

And here's what I did with it:

I really am addicted to making these book cover collages - there just are so many possibilities and it's a great sturdy surface that doesn't warp. This 7Gypsies piece of bookboard has a decorative frame and so inside of it I added 7Gypsies printed tisssue paper with gel medium. Then a strip of my background paper and a favorite French Kissed image of Madeleine picking flowers along with a piece of German scrap and my collage is complete.


  1. I would never have had the courage to use such a vivid background for a vintage image such as this. Again, inspirational artwork.

  2. Oh so lovely, Penny! Very creative use of the background you made. Beautiful piece.

  3. Hi penny, Oh how beautifull this one looks too, the colouring at this card makes it like art I think, a bit like a fairy tail, so great. And I know, it can be addicted ☺ Love to see more off this art. Have a great week, love janine

  4. This is so inspirational, Penny. You make me want to jump up from my chair and find my crayons! Thank you so much,

    Lucy x

  5. penny, i'm so glad you are getting a lot of 'mileage' from Madeline at the fence!! she is one of my under-appreciated scans -- and now especially that she made it in Stampington, just goes to show how special she is.


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