Sunday, May 22, 2011

Gluebook Page

A quick post today - I've been working on lots of pieces, but I can't quite share them yet, so here's a gluebook page made the same night as I made my ATC's and sticking with the same rules - flat, muted colors with one accent color, and focusing on composition - this one was too big for an ATC! I had this advertising card on a collage sheet from Mary Green and cut out the bottom creating a frame for my photo image. Since "bain" translates to "bath" I thought this picture with a fountain would fit.....ok, maybe it's a bit of a stretch because you don't actually bathe in a fountain, but you get the idea :-)


  1. Love the soft, gentle muted shades.
    Lynne x

  2. Found this blog whilst googling gluebooks, this is a lovely page, well done. I have recently started doing this sort of collage project and am still quite new to this simple concept. It does seem to offer lots of mileage tho' and am loking forward to getting stuck in, LOL

  3. hi dearest penny, you are so busy, I'm not ☺ mut I hope this will soon chance, I love your work again, you are so gifted!!! Have a great day, love from janine


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